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The Swedish Cystic Fibrosis Association

The Swedish Cystic Fibrosis Association (RfCF) was founded in 1969. The mission of the association is

  • to promote the interests and welfare of people with cystic fibrosis or immotile cilia syndrome in Sweden
  • to work for high quality care
  • to promote public awareness of cystic fibrosis and immotile cilia syndrome
  • to raise funds for research and education of the medical profession.

In Sweden there are about 650 known persons with cystic fibrosis and about 100 with immotile cilia syndrome. Approx 80% of the persons with CF and 50% of those with immotile cilia syndrome are members of the Swedish CF Association, which totally has about 2500 members.
Address to the Swedish Cystic Fibrosis Association is:

Kungsgatan 64
SE-753 41 Uppsala.
Tel +46 18 15 16 22
e-mail info@rfcf.se

Information about Immotile Cilia Syndrome
CF European Network

CF centers in Sweden:
Stockholms CF Center, Huddinge University Hospital,

+46 8 585 800 00.

Uppsala CF Center, Akademiska University Hospital, SE-751 85 UPPSALA,
+46 18 611 00 00, e-mail cystisk.fibros.barnsjukhuset@ped.uas.lul.se.

West Sweden CF Centre, Dept of Pediatrics, The Queen Silvia´s Children Hospital/SU Östra, SE-416 85 GOTHENBURG
+46 31 343 40 00, e-mail vastsv.cf@vgregion.se.

Lund CF Centre, Dept of Pediatrics, Dept of Respiratory Medicine, University Hospital, SE-221 85 LUND
+46 46 17 10 00

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Stöd forskningen om cystisk fibros i samband med födelsedag, dop, giftermål eller dödsfall. Hela verksamheten kontrolleras av Svensk insamlingskontroll.
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